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DES MOINES, Iowa – Hundreds of Iowans joined with The FAMiLY Leader, The Coalition of Pro-Life Leaders, Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird, and Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds at the Iowa Capitol on Monday, Jan. 27, for the 2025 Prayer Rally for Life, calling on God for an end to abortion and euthanasia.

“The cause we’re here to advance goes to the very heart … of the rights we’re called to protect,” said Gov. Reynolds. “It means affirming a person’s value comes not from their size, age, or their ability to provide for themselves, but from God.”

This year’s rally highlighted not only protecting life from abortion, but also defending the sanctity of human life from the dangers of physician-assisted suicide.

“Life deserves protection. Life deserves good laws. Life deserves our voice,” proclaimed Pastor Jonathan Connor of Zion Lutheran Church in Manning, Iowa. “Death should be opposed in the womb, in illness, in age, in the hospital bed – death should be opposed.”

The rally also celebrated recent victories for defending life, both in Iowa and at the national level.

“Roe v. Wade is now on the ash-heap of history where it belongs. States are acting to protect the unborn, with Iowa leading the way,” said Gov. Reynolds. “[And] abortion extremism was just resoundingly defeated in the presidential race and in Iowa.

“The lesson is clear,” she asserted. “Life can win!”

Gov. Reynolds and Rep. Sandy Salmon were also among those to warn, however, that despite recent successes, much work remains to be done.

Salmon, in particular, called for defending life from the moment of conception, defunding abortion advocate Planned Parenthood, ending mail-order, black-market abortions, educating Iowa students on a child’s prenatal development, and supporting crisis pregnancy centers and other efforts to aid pregnant and new mothers and their families.

See photos from the rally on TFL’s Facebook page!

Watch the prayer rally below:

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